Ongoing Classes - virtual and in person options

All classes are taught according to Teaching with Comprehensible Input.

What does that mean? Teaching with Comprehensible Input (TCI) takes into account 40 years of language learning and second language research, showing that every brain can learn a foreign language. By finding methods and exercises that replicate first language acquisition, I am bringing an immersion setting to my classrooms, using as little English as possible.

According to age and interests of my students, we sing, play, explore drama, move and discuss, in addition to reading and writing in German. With my background in German and English Literature and Lingustics (MA from the Freie Universität, Berlin, and Theater Education from Universität der Künste, Berlin), including two years of a teaching residency at a Berlin high school, I bring the latest research (CTI), European teaching methods, and my own love of learning and teaching, with the luxury of being a native speaker to each of my classes.


Virtual: Stammtisch!

KONVERSATIONSGRUPPE für Erwachsene, fortgeschrittenes Niveau :::: CONVERSATION CLASS for adults, advanced level.

Montags, 11 Uhr – 12 Uhr ::: Mondays 11am – 12pm



KONVERSATIONSGRUPPE für Erwachsene, fortgeschrittenes Niveau :::: CONVERSATION CLASS for adults, advanced level.

Dienstags 16-17 Uhr ::: tuesdays 4-5pm

$40/class for 4 classes or more paid in advance

Wir lesen aktuelle Zeitungsartikel, Auszüge aus Romanen, Kurzprosa und sprechen in kleiner Runde über Filme, Literatur, Reisen, Politik, Kunst und das Leben.

Want to learn more about this class or sign up for the class?

Contact: Phone: 240-393 7173


Young Heritage Speakers (in person):

Ages: 5-9

Date: Thursday 4:45-5:45pm (60 min)

Tuition: (depending on class size) $40 per student per class, monthly payment only, no drop-ins

Focus: The focus in this class is on building vocabulary, conversation, songs, playing games, drawing and seasonal poems; spelling exercises offered to those who are ready and beginner’s reading.

Want to learn more about this class or sign up for the class?

Contact: Phone: 240-393 7173


Teen Heritage Speakers:

Ages 12 and up, heritage speakers

Tuition: $45 per class

Dates: Mondays at 5-6pm (online)

Fokus: Wir lesen Zeitungsartikel und kurze Texte, hören und diskutieren Popsongs, sprechen über die Schule, unsere Hobbies und verfeinern dabei Grammatik (Adjektivendungen, Konjunktionalsätze, Perfekt mit sein und haben) und schreiben Aufsätze, die in der Schülerzeitung erscheinen.

Focus: We read simple news articles or other short texts, listen to and discuss pop songs, talk about school and our hobbies, while improving grammatical issues such as word order, adjective endings, conjunctions, perfect tense with “haben” versus “sein” and write essays about topics of interest for the school newspaper.


Online: New Beginner Adult Class (Slow conversation - speaking and listening comprehension, basic grammar)

Dates: Tuesdays at 6pm - 6:45pm

Tuition: $50/$45 depending on class size

Contact: Phone: 240-393 7173

Interested in private classes?

  • Online zoom classes available

  • AP German preparation

  • TestDaf preparation (

  • National German Exam (all levels)

  • independent study opportunity for high school students - all levels

  • classes to improve academic reading or writing skills

  • preparation for a trip to a German-speaking country or a job that requires German proficiancy

  • intensive crash course for a short time

  • If there is anything you don’t find offered here, please contact me to see if I can fit it into my schedule.


Private lesson, 60 minutes: $115; 45 minutes: $90

Semi-private lesson, 60 minutes: $60 (each); 45 minutes: $50 (each);

Group of three and more, 45-60 min: $45; 45 minutes: $40 (depending on group size, rate might vary)

Venmo Margrit Wong @Margrit-Wong or Paypal

Contact: Phone: 240-393 7173